CX Strategy & Service Design, Digital Transformation • Finance

Digital Experience Design
Interaction Design
Ethnography Research
Signature Moments
Conceptual Design

Special Thanks:

frog team 30+ people


In collaboration with frog Shanghai & frog Asia, China Development Financial underwent a digital refresh of the Group’s key touch points to elevate the customer experience with CDF. This entailed the launch of a new KGI Bank app and a redesign of 4 corporate websites each supported by a Design Language System(DLS) built to scale a consistent digital brand identity across customer touch points, the launch of two separate initiatives, the Wealth Mindset Game targeted towards consumer financial education and signature moments designed to differentiate CDF customer experience.


This program comprises seven work streams concurrently, eight vendors from design, development, research, contents, and user testing. Retrospectively, frog formed a multi-disciplinary team and took the extra mile to deliver an End-to-End service within five companies.

Start from the Ethnographic Research. By conducting 27 user interviews, 6 expert interviews, 4 competitor researches and 47 case studies, frog summarized the findings into 8 key insights. After synthesis, the 5 convergent personas are fresh graduate, family, prospective retiree, merchant and trader.

Re(framing) financial experiences for a refreshing look

The experience and brand perception of CDF should not be perceived as a website or an app only. It needs to relate to its customers. Inspired by CDF’s brand as a responsible bank that is entrepreneurial, we defined the brand experience as vibrant, smart and simple

KGIB Mobile Banking App

frog developed 5 key mobile experiences based on the highlighted user journey. As a result, 151 wireframes, 151 mock-ups, and over 30 components were delivered to enable users to perform on-the-go viewing of transactions, managing of assets and accounts, transferring of funds, as well as applying for loans and credit cards through a personalized yet secure process.

A Cohesive Experience Across 4 Corporate Websites:

frog began with the redesign of CDF’s websites after discovering that customers can have inconsistent experience browsing them. Focused on creating a cohesive web experience, the team was guided by 5 design principles:

Mobile-First Mentality
Simplified Visual Concept
Enhancing Discoverability
Increasing Emotional Engagement
Encouraging Accessibility & Connection